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As co-founders of DMI and, we’ve spent the majority of our lives - 70 years total - in the Concrete Sawing & Drilling industry, with experience in both contracting and manufacturing.
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Sean Ward and Jarrad Kippen were born into the industry, while Ian Osborne fell into it by happenstance. We’ve all experienced good years, economic downturns, trials and tribulations and we are still hungry for more.
What is it about this industry that has us so hooked? It’s the amazing people, crazy experiences, ingenious ideas, and technologies that come from around the world. It’s the way that it represents all that America has to offer - ingenuity, perseverance, dedication, friendships, second chances, and getting ahead by working hard. As concrete cutting 'lifers' we want to attract the next generation of tradesmen by leading the modernization of the industry.
In the end, our goal at DMI is to do our part in supplying you with high quality Diamonds and Machines through a streamlined, user-friendly platform. We want to become your one-stop, core drill shop; the essential supplier that helps your business grow and prosper.
See you on the job site or at the trade show.
Thank you,

Sean, Jarrad, & Ian @

DMI stands for Diamond & Machines International as we have aspirations of growing. However, we are focused first on the American market.
DMI and are operated to provide the best products for a reasonable price. We are the sole distributor of Diamond Tech, Inc. (DTI) as well as ROC Diamond Tools (RDT). We are always looking to expand our product offering but at the moment we are carrying Metabo, ShurTape, Driltec, Adamas, Hubble, and more.
If you cannot find a particular product please email us at and let us know what you need.
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Happy Drilling,
Ian Osborne
Hp Dmi Tools Download