Fallout 2 New Reno Arms
- New Reno: Easter Egg:In the basement of the New Reno Arms, at the far right of the screen is a pot covered by a mattress. Go to the third floor and go to the room with the computer that was not used earlier.
- Go to New Reno Arms in the commercial row in the late morning, and sell Eldridge your pistol for about $1500 and some experience. If you didn't get a Voice Recognition Module from the Vault City Vault, you can buy one from Eldridge for $1500 (choose the dialogue about the special item).
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Potterton timer control manual. All Discussions. Kill new reno arms? I did this last game and i cant see why would you NOT kill the seller Showing 1-3 of 3 comments.
- Character creation
- Notable Areas
- See above section
- Notable Characters
- See above section
- Notes
- Kill everyone in the stables except for the slaves and Myron.
- Quest Experience/Reward Table
- Kill the Mordinos in the Stables: 23000 kxp
- Become a Made Man for the Wrights: 10000 xp, hook-ups at the weapon store and Cat's Paw
- Defeat your first challenger in the ring: 500 xp
- Defeat your second challenger in the ring: 750 xp
- Defeat your third challenger in the ring: 1000 xp
- Become the New Reno boxing champion: 2500 xp
- Become a porn star: 1500 xp
- Sell Eldridge the Laser Pistol: 500 xpp, $1500
Go in the Stables, and kill everyone there. Be sure that you get the extra cash, etc. After you kill them, enter New Reno through the East Side. Go to the Wright mansion, and tell Orville that you've finished his quests. He'll ask if you can become a Wright Made Man. Accept his offer, and then go and become a Made Man. Now it's time to become a boxer and a porn star. Note that the two require specific primary skill requirements - if you've got Power Armor and decent endurance, then you'll have no problem getting into the boxing ring. In order to become a porn star, you'll need 8 strength, 8 endurance, 8 charisma, and (I think) 8 agility.
To become a boxer, go to 2nd street, and go to the Jungle Gym. Talk to Stuart, the little guy standing in front of the ring. Tell him that you want to become a boxer, and he'll register you and give you boxing gloves. You also get to pick your own name as well. Pretty much, just try to knock out all of the boxers. You'll also get to win a good bit of money as well. Now, you're going to become a porn star.
To become a porn star, take some Buffouts if your Endurance is less than six. Afterwards, talk to the Corsican Brother, and ask for some jobs. He'll give you a job offer, and then tell him the price of your movies. Choose your name afterwards, and then you'll become a star.. a big, bright, shining star. You'll also receive some experience afterwards.
Go to Virgin Street (or wherever you left your car), and pick up one of the laser pistols from your trunk. Go to New Reno Arms in the commercial row in the late morning, and sell Eldridge your pistol for about $1500 and some experience. If you didn't get a Voice Recognition Module from the Vault City Vault, you can buy one from Eldridge for $1500 (choose the dialogue about the special item).
Now, leave for Broken Hills to install the air purifier.
After you finish all missions in New Reno, there is a trick that will give you a tremendous edge in the game. All total, the net worth of doing this in the game is somewhere between 12–15 grand, and you get some really good upgraded weapons for free.
- Make sure all missions involving New Reno are completely done, including any secondary missions involving any other cities or settlements.
- Make sure you already have the car to use as storage.
- Leave all non-combat related items in your car's trunk, you're going to need to be able to carry as much as you can. Make sure to take every firearm you own, and any flamer fuel you may have picked up with you – even the energy ones whether you can use them yet or not.
- Go to the New Reno arms on commercial row at night time (west side of Reno).
- Kill the owner of the store and his 3–5 dogs in the back room.
- There are two bookcases, a footlocker, and a shelf unit in the same room where the dogs were. Look behind the shelf unit for a set of stairs, then go down.
- Do not kill Al the slave.
- Go around this basement and look very carefully. Along with the three worktables, a bookcase, a fridge, and a set of dressers that you can search, there will be some items lying on the floor that you can pick up. After you have raided the basement, talk to Al. He will upgrade every single weapon and flamer fuel you have for free!
- Go back upstairs, and remember to loot the corpse of the store owner for the items he had on him when you killed him, if you haven't already.
This can be done as soon as you leave Arroyo, giving you a huge edge at the start of the game, but canceling some of the missions in New Reno. If you choose to do this right after leaving Arroyo, just make sure you save before you kill the store owner as he will be a lot tougher. A good unarmed brawler character doing targeted shots to the eyes can succeed. Also remember that you can always come back at any time and have Al upgrade any new weapons you acquire for free still.
[Go to top]← Sierra Army Depot | New Reno (revisited) | Broken Hills (revisited) →
Find a way into the Sierra Army Base. | |||||||||||
Visitor Welcome Sign, Sierra Army Depot, California (circa 2242) | |||||||||||
Find a way into the Sierra Army Base is a Fallout 2 side quest.
Fallout 2 New Reno Armstrong
- 2Entering Sierra Army Depot
Orville Wright wants an edge on the other New Reno families; is his edge edgier? It better be, because they all think they have edges too. And for the most part, their edge is you. He tells you of an abandoned military base. There are two ways to get the Sierra Army Depot location on your world map: getting the quest from Orville or going to Golgotha and using a shovel on the grave of Sam Pritchard and looting the map in it.
As you arrive here, note the bodies lying where they fell. Join them, or take out the automated turrets. Depending on your skill level, you may not be able to target them while completely outside their range, even with a sniper rifle, but with such a weapon, you'll most likely have a much better chance of hitting them at far range than they do of hitting you.
Even if you have killed every Salvatore Gang member in the bar, he will tell you that there are other Salvatore Made Men and Enforcers outside of New Reno and they are a threat to the Wrights and still wants the extra firepower.
There is yet another way to get in, however. If you look at the bodies, note how one of them is slightly farther than the rest. Move in a diagonal from the right of the guard structure to the grouping of trees to the left of the center turret; you'll make it through without triggering combat. Of course, having a high sneak skill will work too. Then, you could ignore them or take them out..
Within the Application log you’ll see why exactly the install failed. In this example, access to read the LoggedEvents registry key was denied.Upon receving the error message, click on Why did this fail?Confirm the error relates to the installation of IcaTSx64.msi or IcaWSx64.msi.Go to Event Viewer. If you are upgrading or installing the Desktop or Server VDA and getting either of the below error messages then read on.Installation of MSI File ‘IcaTSx64.msi’ failed with code ‘InstallFailure’ (1603).Installation of MSI File ‘IcaWSx64.msi’ failed with code ‘InstallFailure’ (1603).I recently got this message when upgrading the VDA within a Citrix Platform Layer (Citrix App Layering). Citrix installation manager installation failed 1603.
There is loot on the ground as well as on the bodies, including, appropriately enough, a sniper rifle, if you don't have one yet.
To the northwest there's a bunker with three traps outside, a trap on the door, and a trap on one of the ammunition boxes inside. Use the Howitzer Shell on the howitzer in the building to the right (which has three mines in front of the door, one in the gap by the truck, and one near the barrels and tires), creating an access to the depot. Anything by the Depot entrance doors at this time will take damage.
Once you're on the inside you can report back to Orville Wright. However, even if you don't the quest is crossed off in the PipBoy, so you just need to visit Orville for your reward.
Should you enter the fenced-in area in the northeast corner you'll take electrical damage. In a small room at the bottom of a manhole is a switch which puts the base on backup power[50% normal power]. Consider before using it that this has the effect of reducing the illumination in the Depot, and turns the yellow impassable forcefields in the base into red ones which damage anything passing through them. Alternatively, as with all yellow forcefields, you can use Repair to pass them safely.
Entering Sierra Army Depot
Level 1
After entering the base there is a password note [TCHAIKOVSKY] in the first desk on the left. Typing it in the computer terminal disables Force Fields in Level 1. In the locked room located to the left of the entrance you can find 'Sierra Depot Evac. Notice.'. In the lab located to the right of the entrance you can find Bio med gel (needed for quest) on the ground and in the lockers: Yellow Memory Module, Dixon's Eye (use it to open elevator), Medical Holodisc.
Level 2

Robots will not attack if the alarm is not triggered (don't fail too many times to deactivate force fields).You can get 200 XP for disabling the repair bay computer, on the left side of the level.
- The howitzer shell does not work with the howitzer in the basement of the New Reno Arms.
- Be sure to remember the small room under the electrical generators - it's the only place in the base you can rest safely, and given what's inside the base, resting will probably be a good idea sooner or later.
- Players with the Slaver Reputation will not be able to take this quest.
Reno New 2
Fallout 2 New Reno Quests